A music drama for voice and piano Elisabeth Kulman Recital, Salzburg Festival, 7 August 2015 Only an artist so gifted in thespian adroitness could catalyze and animate a programme of such unconventional structure. The sequence of works, on initial viewing, appears almost capricious, juxtaposing excerpts from song cycles such as Schumann’s Frauenliebe und -leben between
Richard Wagner, Rheingold Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks, Herkulessaal Elisabeth Kulman once again blew my mind as Fricka, even though I was more impressed by her Fricka in Walküre. But anyway, her huge mezzo soprano has this very special timbre that is able to make a convincing bickering wife. Her diction is exemplary and one is able
Viel Eleganz statt Imponiergehabe Eine Nonplusultra-Besetzung auf allen Positionen hat sich der BR also geleistet: … Elisabeth Kulman, die als Fricka raumgreifend ausstrahlt, ohne dass Zickenalarm droht. Markus Thiel, Münchner Merkur, 6.4.2015
‘Das Rheingold’ im Herkulessaal – DER Abend anstatt Vorabend. Elisabeth Kulman war erst kürzlich in der Bayerischen Staatsoper nebenan beim Kriegenburg-Ring mit einer selbstbewussten und charakterstarken Fricka-Interpretation in Erscheinung getreten. Diese Rolleninterpretation war in der konzertanten Aufführung in der stimmlichen Gestaltung auch deutlich herauszuhören. Opern-Blog, 26.4.2015
Valkyries ride into Tokyo Die Walküre by Richard Wagner – Tokyo Opera Spring Festival – Tokyo Bunka Kaikan. 3:00 pm, April 7, 2015. TokyoNHK Symphony Orchestra, Marek Janowski (conductor) – Waltraud Meier, (Sieglinde), Robert Dean Smith (Sigmund), Catherine Foster (Brünhilda), Elisabeth Kulman (Fricka) – Egils Silins (Wotan), Im Sung Sim (Hunding) Is there any music
Wagner’s Die Walküre, Tokyo Harusai, 04.04.2015 In its yearly Wagner offering, the Tokyo Spring Festival goes a step further in its Ring cycle conducted by Marek Janowski featuring international casts (some singers from Janowski’s Wagner series recorded live in the Philharmonie in Berlin appear here too) with two concert performances of Die Walküre. In order to
Wagner’s Die Walküre, Tokyo Harusai, 04.04.2015 In its yearly Wagner offering, the Tokyo Spring Festival goes a step further in its Ring cycle conducted by Marek Janowski featuring international casts (some singers from Janowski’s Wagner series recorded live in the Philharmonie in Berlin appear here too) with two concert performances of Die Walküre. In order to
Richard Wagner, Die Walküre Bayerische Staatsoper München But the true highlight of the whole evening was Elisabeth Kulman’s Fricka. What an extraordinary voice!! I have never seen someone sing so intensively and dramatically without seeming strained. She filled the whole auditorium to the very last row with such ease that everyone was just blown
Formidable Conductor, Kirill Petrenko, Even Better in Die Walküre Elisabeth Kulman was an excellent Fricka in her confrontation with her husband in the great scene of Act II. José M. Irurzun, Seen and Heard International, 3.3.2015
Walküre – a thrilling As Fricka, Elisabeth Kulman only gets one scene in this opera, but she owned it. She was stunning in her sparkling dress, fabulously imperious in her behaviour, and dominant thanks to her sheer vocal power; it’s no wonder she won her argument.In der Rolle der Fricka bekommt Elisabeth Kulman in dieser