Powerfully Inspired Mahler Symphony no 2 „The Resurrection“, with Sakari Oramo and the BBC SO, soloists Elizabeth Watts and Elisabeth Kulman with the BBC Symphony Chorus and the Bach Choir, Prom 45. Because we hear Oramo and the BBC SO so many times each year, we take them for granted. But they are a formidably

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19.8.2017 · bachtrack.com · Chris Garlick

Prom 45: Hair-raising Mahler 2 in the end from Oramo and the BBCSO It has to be said, and I may be struck down by the gods of concert programming for saying so, but there are simply too many performances Mahler in the UK. Even arch-Mahlerian Bernard Haitink has referred to a “Mahler cult” displacing

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19.8.2017 · The Sunday Times · Paul Driver

Shock of the old Hot-off-the-press commissions at the Proms were no match for Mahler and Schoenberg, says Paul Driver It was fairly cataclysmic atthe Royal Albert Hall to hear Mahler’s choral-orchestral Symphony No 2, the “Resurrection”, and Schoenberg’s immense Gurrelieder cantata on consecutive evenings. The rafters held, but they should not have done, so mighty

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19.8.2017 · The Times · o.A.

Proms 45 and 46 review: BBCSO/Orano; Gurrelieder at the Royal Albert Hall … there was more ungurades beauty in Elizabeth Watts ans Elisabeth Kulman’s singing the fourth and fifth movements of Mahler’s Resurraction Symphony …

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18.8.2017 · seenandheard-international.com · Colin Clarke

Sakari Oramo Leads Fitting Proms Mahler Memorial to Much-Loved Jiří Bělohlávek Mahler – Symphony No. 2, ‘Resurrection’ Few pieces are more suited to the Albert Hall’s space than Mahler’s Second, with its multiple choirs, its important, culminatory organ contribution and its use of off-stage brass (and indeed, at one point, an off-stage band). The central tenet

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18.8.2017 · Music Ohm · Sam Smith

22.8.2017 Prom 45: BBC Symphony Orchestra / Oramo @ Royal Albert Hall, London It is impossible to attend a performance of Mahler’s Symphony No. 2 in C minor at the Proms without memories of past performances coming flooding back. While the Albert Hall is not acclaimed for possessing the greatest acoustic in the world, it

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2.7.2017 · Seen and Heard International · Mark Berry

Honesty and Integrity Leads to a Moving Mahler 3 Performance Austria Mahler: Elisabeth Kulman (contralto), Ladies’, Children’s and Youth Choirs of the Landestheater, Linz, Bruckner Orchestra Linz / Francesco Angelico (conductor). Musikverein, Vienna, 23.6.2017. (MB) Mahler: Symphony no.3 ‘Honoured Herr Direktor,’ began one Arnold Schoenberg, fresh from the dress rehearsal on 12 December 1904 for

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2.7.2017 · boulezian · Mark Berry

Bruckner Orchestra Linz/Angelico – Mahler, 23 June 2017 Musikverein Symphony no.3 Elisabeth Kulman (contralto) Ladies’, Children’s and Youth Choirs of the Landestheater, Linz Bruckner Orchestra Linz Francesco Angelico (conductor) ‘Honoured Herr Direktor,’ began one Arnold Schoenberg, fresh from the dress rehearsal on 12 December 1904 for the first Vienna performance of Mahler’s Third Symphony. Schoenberg

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25.3.2017 · Seen and Heard International · Michael Cookson

Blomstedt Conducts An Inspirationally Intense and Exceptional St. John Passion Germany J.S. Bach: Soloists, Chor des Bayerischen Rundfunks, Bayerisches Staatsorchester / Herbert Blomstedt, Herkulessaal, Munich, 23.3.2017. (MC) J.S. Bach – Johannes­Passion (St. John Passion), BWV 245 (1724) Mark Padmore, tenor (Evangelist) Peter Harvey, baritone (Jesus) Anna Prohaska, soprano Elisabeth Kulman (alto) Andrew Staples (tenor) Krešimir

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1.9.2016 · Independent · Michael Church

The rest of this Prom was of a similarly high standard. Mezzo Elizabeth Kulman brought rare grace to Wagner’s Wesendonck-Lieder – the beauty of her ‘Im Treibhaus’ took the breath away. Michael Church, Independent, 1 September 2016 (Der Rest dieses Proms-Konzertes war auf ebenso hohem Niveau. Mezzo Elisabeth Kulman verlieh den Wesendonck-Liedern eine selten erlebte

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